新的固件发布可以跟踪阶段III卫星上的Beidou B2B GNSS信号

csno beidou.

六边形|Novatel已宣布其OEM7和PWRPAK7接收器的固件版本,可在III阶段卫星上跟踪Beidou B2B GNSS信号。7.08.00(OM7MR0800RN0000)释放允许接收器跟踪所有新的北欧B1C,B2A和B2B信号。现在有30个北欧第三阶段卫星轨道,所以这是充分利用世界各地的北欧系统的关键一步。

On August 3 of this year, China’s Satellite Navigation Office announced the completion and commissioning of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS-3), consisting of 30 BDS-3 satellites launched in two and a half years starting in November 2017, along with the building of more than 40 ground stations.

六边形|Novatel的7.08.00版本包含对Beidou第III信号的支持和B2B Beidou信号的跟踪。所有更改的完整列表可用于包含的“什么新的”文档中提供固件下载
